級別: 論壇先鋒
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(***************************************************************************** <FB NAME> MC_Power_JEC <Description> 運(yùn)転可 / Operation possible COPYRIGHT (C) 2016 MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC CORPORATION ALL RIGHT RESERVED *****************************************************************************) PLS(Enable, bEnablePls); PLF(Enable, bEnablePlf); (*========================================================================* * 有効ON * Enable ON *========================================================================*) IF Enable THEN (*------------------------------------------------------------------* * 初期化処理 * Initial processing *------------------------------------------------------------------*) IF bEnablePls THEN Status := FALSE; Error := FALSE; ErrorID := 0; bBusy := FALSE; bLinkReady := FALSE; wAxisStatus := 0; (* 入力ラベル取込 / Input labels transfer *) wAxisNo := Axis.AxisNo; MOV(((wAxisNo < 1) OR (16 < wAxisNo)), H1100, ErrorID); wPosTrqLimit := REAL_TO_INT(Axis.PosTrqLimit *10.0); MOV((ErrorID = 0) AND ((wPosTrqLimit < 0) OR (10000 < wPosTrqLimit)), H110E, ErrorID); wNegTrqLimit := REAL_TO_INT(Axis.NegTrqLimit *10.0); MOV((ErrorID = 0) AND ((wNegTrqLimit < 0) OR (10000 < wNegTrqLimit)), H110E, ErrorID); (* リンクデバイスのオフセット計算 / Link device offset calculation *) IF (ErrorID = 0) THEN wRX3F := ((wAxisNo - 1) * 64) + H003F; (* サイクリック通信準(zhǔn)備完了 / Cyclic communication ready command *) wRWw01 := ((wAxisNo - 1) * 32) + H0001; (* 制御指令 / Control command *) wRWw14 := ((wAxisNo - 1) * 32) + H0014; (* トルク制限値(正) / Torque limit value(positive) *) wRWw15 := ((wAxisNo - 1) * 32) + H0015; (* トルク制限値(逆) / Torque limit value(negative) *) wRWr00 := ((wAxisNo - 1) * 32) + H0000; (* 制御モード表示 / Control mode display *) wRWr02 := ((wAxisNo - 1) * 32) + H0002; (* 制御ステータス / Control status *) wRWr0B := ((wAxisNo - 1) * 32) + H000B; (* 制御出力2 / Control output 2 *) bBusy := TRUE; END_IF; END_IF; (*------------------------------------------------------------------* * 軸狀態(tài)取得 & 実行條件確認(rèn) * Axis status acquisition & execution condition check *------------------------------------------------------------------*) IF bBusy THEN (* サイクリック通信狀態(tài)確認(rèn) / Cyclic communication status check *) bLinkReady := G_stLinkBasic.bnRX[wRX3F]; IF bLinkReady THEN uModeDisp := G_stLinkBasic.unRWr[wRWr00]; bZeroVelocity:= ((G_stLinkBasic.unRWr[wRWr0B] AND H0008) = H0008); (* 軸狀態(tài)取得 / Axis status acquisition *) IF ((G_stLinkBasic.unRWr[wRWr02] AND H0008) = H0008) THEN wAxisStatus := 1; (* Errorstop *) ErrorID := H1202; ELSIF ((G_stLinkBasic.unRWw[wRWw01] AND H0086) = H0002) THEN wAxisStatus := 2; (* Stopping *) ELSIF (((G_stLinkBasic.unRWr[wRWr02] AND H000F) = H0000) OR ((G_stLinkBasic.unRWr[wRWr02] AND H000F) = H0001) OR ((G_stLinkBasic.unRWr[wRWr02] AND H000F) = H0003)) THEN wAxisStatus := 0; (* Disabled *) ELSE wAxisStatus := 4; (* Standstill *) IF ((G_stLinkBasic.unRWw[wRWw01] AND H0100)= H0100) THEN CASE WORD_TO_INT(uModeDisp) OF 1, (* Profile position mode *) 6: (* Homing mode *) IF ((G_stLinkBasic.unRWr[wRWr02] AND H0400) = H0000) THEN wAxisStatus := 5; (* DiscreteMotion *) END_IF; 3, (* Profile Velocity mode *) 4: (* Profile Torque mode *) IF NOT bZeroVelocity THEN wAxisStatus := 5; (* DiscreteMotion *) END_IF; ELSE ; END_CASE; ELSE CASE (WORD_TO_INT(uModeDisp)) OF 1: IF ((G_stLinkBasic.unRWr[wRWr02] AND H0400) = H0000) THEN wAxisStatus := 5; (* DiscreteMotion *) END_IF; 3, 4: wAxisStatus := 6; (* ContinuousMotion *) 6: IF ((G_stLinkBasic.unRWr[wRWr02] AND H0400) = H0000) THEN wAxisStatus := 3; (* Homing *) END_IF; ELSE ; END_CASE; END_IF; END_IF; (* 実行條件確認(rèn) / execution condition check *) IF bEnablePls THEN CASE wAxisStatus OF 2: (* Stopping *) ErrorID := H1204; ELSE ; END_CASE; END_IF; (*------------------------------------------------------------------* * サーボON実行 * Servo ON execution *------------------------------------------------------------------*) IF (ErrorID =0) AND bEnablePls AND (wAxisStatus = 0) THEN G_stLinkBasic.unRWw[wRWw14] := INT_TO_WORD(wPosTrqLimit); (* トルク制限値(正) / Torque limit value(positive) *) G_stLinkBasic.unRWw[wRWw15] := INT_TO_WORD(wNegTrqLimit); (* トルク制限値(逆) / Torque limit value(negative) *) G_stLinkBasic.unRWw[wRWw01] := (G_stLinkBasic.unRWw[wRWw01] AND HFF70) OR H000F; END_IF; IF ((G_stLinkBasic.unRWr[wRWr02] AND H006F) = H0027) THEN (* OperationEnabled *) Status := TRUE; Error := FALSE; ErrorID := 0; ELSE Status := FALSE; END_IF; ELSE wAxisStatus := 1; ErrorID := H1202; END_IF; END_IF; (*========================================================================* * エラー出力 * Output for [Error] *========================================================================*) IF (ErrorID <> 0) THEN Error := TRUE; Status := FALSE; bBusy := FALSE; END_IF; (*========================================================================* * 有効OFF * Enable OFF *========================================================================*) ELSE IF bEnablePlf THEN G_stLinkBasic.unRWw[wRWw01] := (G_stLinkBasic.unRWw[wRWw01] AND HFF70); (* DisableOperation *) END_IF; Status := FALSE; Error := FALSE; END_IF; |