Win10 /Win8 系統遇到驅動需要數字簽名無法安裝問題怎么辦?在Win10 /Win8 系統中,
Win10 / win8 system can't install USB drive without a digital signature? In Win10 /
win8 we found the driver can't install, because no digital signature, it's the system
for safety problems, we could install USB driver as long as we have temporarily c
losed digital signature, method is:
1、 單擊開始菜單,然后按住“ SHITF 鍵 ”關點擊電源按鈕,選擇重啟;
Click start and hold “shift key” and click power key ,select “restart”;
2、 重啟后,系統進入到“選擇一個選項”界面,然后我們再選擇“疑難解答”;
When restart, system logo onto a screen show us “problem ,reset,computer”;
3、 進入到疑難解答后,再選擇“高級選項”,如下圖:
When you select “Advanced options”,below:
4、 接下來,我們選擇“啟動設置”;
And then we select “Startup Settings”
5、 接下來在啟動設置中,我們可以看到多選項(如禁用驅動程序強制簽名),這時是
不能選擇的,Windows 需要我們先重啟來激活這些選項,我們點擊重啟即可
the next in the startup Settings, we can see many options (such as disable
driver signature compulsory), is can't choose at this moment, we first restar
t Windows needed to activate these options, we click reboot
6、 重啟后,我們就可以看到眾多的特殊啟動模式選項了,其中也包括“禁用驅動強制簽
名”,我們可以按數字鍵來選擇進入的系統,如按 7 鍵;
After the restart, we can see many special boot mode options, including "di
sable driving force signature", we can press the number keys to select into
the system, such as the seven key;
Finally go into the driver mandatory signature pattern, then we could install driver,
setup SA5.0.10.4找看看

[ 此帖被lin10663在2023-04-04 14:41重新編輯 ]